
Species: Fairy (mushroom)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 7 inches
Residence: Nemophila Kingdom
Umeko is a mushroom fairy that lives in Mushroom Village, a tiny village located inside Cervitaur Plains, Nemophila Kingdom. She is the assistant of the mayor of Cervitaur Plains, Melades. She helps report things to him about Mushroom Village so she is somewhat of a leader to the tiny village. This is because the village is small, and they need a fairy to represent them since they are able to properly live in Mushroom Village. Umeko is sort of a scaredy cat with almost constant anxiety, but she knows how to fight. If she is ever in danger, she manages to get through it but not without screaming with her eyes closed. She is small in size, but she can protect Melades as a guide or alert.
Important Relationships
Melades is Umeko's boss but also her best friend. The two of them are almost always together unless it is bed time or Umeko is off to Nemophila to deliver a message to the queen. They both show some similarities, but they are different when it comes to certain situations. Umeko usually has terrible anxiety about things, but Melades is usually just shy from compliments he receives. Melades sometimes thinks he understands what Umeko is going through, but Umeko knows it just isn't quite the same. Umeko looks up to Melades and wants to be just like him. She tries her best to do just that.
Queen Chandra
Umeko only ever hangs out with the queen when she forces her to stay for a cup of tea. The tea cups are way too big though.
"Theme Song"
None yet.